trails with kids
Get outside together
inspire the next generation to love our trails by getting outside and exploring together.
We’re passionate about sharing the trails with all ages, and inspiring our next generation to love the trails as much as we do. The best way to do so is to explore our regional trails together as a family.
Read some tips below on how to enjoy the trails together as a family, and see what partners in the outdoor industry such as REI are doing to encourage more kids to get out on the trails.
Tips to Engage Your Kids with the Trails:
1. Focus on the whole family
Include the entire family in decision making and adventure planning. Involving the entire family encourages adopting a longterm lifestyle than includes outdoor activity.
2. Encourage collective action
Collaboration is a powerful tool when it comes to getting kids outdoors and forming lifelong habits. Seek partners that share your vested interest in encouraging young people to get outside, and volunteer as a family.
3. Work with schools and community organizations
Seek out school programs that encourage outdoor activity, or work with your school district to create new ones.
4. Make it a habit
Adults are three times more likely to go outside if they did as kids. Millennials go outside less than their parents did — if we don’t encourage different habits in our own children, we could see a similar decrease in the next generation. To start making an outdoor habit, the Outdoor Foundation recommends planning fun, joyful activities that are easy to repeat. They should be close to home, foster social connection and offer opportunities for a wide range of age groups.
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