
Meet Our Team

Durango Trails is supported by a dedicated team of staff, board members, crew and volunteers who are vital to the organization’s success. Get to know them all below!



Adrienne Aronson, Office Manager

Adrienne moved to Durango from the front range to attend FLC back in the nineteen hundreds and never wanted to leave. Adrienne manages the office and helps take care of the indoorsy parts of the organization. A skier, hiker and lover of a good, “mosey-walk” with friends and dogs.

Favorite Trail

She enjoys any trail that she is on, especially with her little Corgi/Chihuahua-muffin-man, Doug.


Henry Colomb

Henry Colomb comes to Durango via the New River Gorge in West Virginia to escape gray eastern winters. He maintains trail data and web maps for Durango Trails in addition to creating print maps. He has been involved in GIS, mapping and cartography since 2005 for various organizations from Fodor’s Travel guides to the U.S. Navy.

Favorite Trail

Henry’s favorite trail is the Colorado Trail – Molas Pass to Cascade

Kelli Sheldon

Kelli moved to Durango in 1998 after graduating college in Michigan. She has been bookkeeping locally since 2003. When she is not spending time with her 3 sons, Kelli loves to get out on the trails with her 2 dogs.

Favorite Trail

Kelli’s favorite trail is the Dry Fork Trail.


Patti Fitzgerald, Trail Ambassador

Patti relocated to Durango CO from San Diego CA in March of 2006. Her passions include mountain biking, hiking, skiing, photography, water color painting and hanging out with her dog Poncho. Patti shares her outdoor passion as our Trails Conditions Ambassador updating our trail conditions page, educating trail users and making new community connections.

Favorite Trail

Three Springs (Spurline Trail) and connecting to the Grandview Trail Section for a loop on Sidewinder, Cowboy, Rim and back to Spurline (aka Patti’s retirement loop).

Eric Pierson, Trail Operations Manager

Eric is a 35-year resident of Durango and has been building and maintaining singletrack with Durango Trails since its inception. A retiree from the City of Durango and a volunteer crew leader last season, he has stepped into a new role as Trail Operations Manager. Eric is an avid trail runner, mountain biker, backpacker and nordic skier and enjoys being part of the trail evolution that defines Durango

Favorite Trail

Any of the connectors into Horse Gulch!

Mike Hurst, Crew Member and Volunteer Coordinator 

A Durangoan since the late 90s, Mike cut his teeth on mountain biking local trails as a healthy balance to his career as a brewpub and restaurant operator. He enjoys nearly all human-powered modes of transit – especially in the rugged high country of the San Juans.

Favorite Trail

Mike’s favorite trail is the BRAND NEW Swerve Trail on Animas Mountain!

Megan Hoffman, Strike Team and Volunteer and Event Coordinator

Megan is new to Durango and eager to soak everything it has to offer in. She loves to trail run, coach fitness, CrossFit, hike and is starting to mountain bike!

Favorite Trail

So far my favorite is exploring Horse Gulch.

Eric Splinter Strike Team, Crew and Sawyer

Eric Splinter owns and operates a wildland fire fighting company here in Durango. He is an avid trail runner and mountain biker among many other outdoor interests.

Favorite Trail

Any and all of them. Really depends on what my goals are on any given day.

Kim Frederick, Trainer

Bio coming soon!

Favorite Trail

Coming soon!

Carter McQuinn, crew member

Carter is 23 years old and has lived in Durango his whole life. He enjoys fishing, skiing, riding his bike, as well as many other outdoor activities offered by the mountains around Durango.

Favorite Trail

Hermosa Creek trail because it has lots of places to stop and swim in the creek!

Benjamin Carrier, crew member

Benjamin has always had a connection with the trails because of all the amazing places they can take us. He loves spending time outdoors; hiking, biking, exploring, and off-roading and the trail networks in Durango make it even easier.

Favorite Trail

His favorite trail is Haflin Creek.

Kent Tweeten, crew member

Ever since Kent backpacked Vermont’s Long Trail at ten with his mom, he has been enamored with spending time in the mountains. This resulted in a lifelong passion for using trails and working to ensure access for others through volunteering whenever he could. After following his younger brother west to Durango, he didn’t just find the mountain town of his dreams, but a Trail Town where he could help to continue to build and maintain the extensive trail system here.

Favorite Trail

When Kent isn’t holed up somewhere writing, you can find him riding his mountain bike on his favorite trail, Dry Forks.

Peter Schultz

Peter is passionate about the healing power for mental and physical health that being outdoors and exercising provides. He enjoys all aspects of trail maintenance and smiles thinking about the fluid dynamics of drain building .This is the job for him.

Favorite Trail

His favorite trail is the CT for its remote, rugged, and rad nature.

Zoë Harbertson, trailcrew intern

Zoë grew up in Midway, Utah and is so grateful to be the intern this season for Durango Trails surrounded by an incredible community. When she isn’t riding her bike, you can find her on her skis, creating art, river rafting, or swimming in the river. She is passionate to share the healing and connection the earth provides while protecting the land we are so privileged to live and recreate on.

Favorite Trail

It is impossible to pick a favorite, but Zoë loves the CT to Dry Fork and Upper Animas Mountain.


Christina Rinderle, Interim Board President

As the former Mayor of Durango, Christina brings a wealth of knowledge to the Durango Trails board regarding partnerships and relationships with public land managers, as well as fundraising. Christina loves to run and mountain bike.

Favorite Trail

Christina’s favorite trails are in Horse Gulch, where you can explore over 1000 acres of open space just minutes from downtown.

Steve Schwartz, Board Treasurer

As the board Treasurer, Steve brings high level financial analysis to a small non profit organization, helping analyze and plan budgets and profit and loss statements to plan for the future. Steve has worked at Fort Lewis College for over 20 years and directly sees how trails benefit and create the culture that FLC students know and love.

Favorite Trail

Steve mountain bikes and his favorite trail network is Horse Gulch.

Gary Provencher

As the owner of 2nd Avenue Sports, Gary built a small store selling second hand bikes into a major Trek, Santa Cruz and Pivot retailer. Employing over 20 full time staff, Gary believes in supporting the local economy and more importantly, supporting trail advocacy. Without trails, he knows that Durango wouldn’t even be half the town that it is and he faithfully supports Durango Trails.

Favorite Trail

Gary’s favorite trail is SkullRock and the Divinity Flow Trail at Purgatory.

Daryl Crites

As the longest running board member at Durango Trails, Daryl’s expert advice has sculpted the playground known as our area trail network. Daryl machine-built such masterpieces as the Twin Buttes trails and the Sugar trail and has a keen eye for trail design.

Favorite Trail

Daryl mountain bikes and his favorite trail is whichever trail he’s on at that time!

Brett Bronson

Brett is a Durango native and he and his family love the trails, mountains and being part of this community. As CEO of Bronson Family McDonald’s locations, Brett believes in serving people, creating opportunities and impacting positively.

Favorite Trail

His favorite trail is the one he’s on.

Support the trails that connect you to the outdoors

Trails are the cornerstone of our community and the gateway to the outdoors.

Help support our work so you can continue to connect to the outdoors by giving to Durango Trails!