

Dandelions and Dwark Larkspur – Photo courtesy of Jason Bushey
Silvery Lupine – Photo courtesy of Jason Bushey
Sulphur Buckwheat
Shrubby Cinquefoil
Ox-eye Daisy
Photo by Scott DW Smith
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The San Juan Mountains and area trails are full of wildflowers from lupine on our urban interface trails to alpine wildflowers found in the alpine tundra (the area above treeline, 11,000 feet) of the Alpine Loop, Weminuche Wilderness or Lizard Head.

Remember your Leave No Trace ethics and please do not pick wildflowers but leave them for others to enjoy.

For more information on Southwest Colorado’s wildflowers, click here.

Moss Campion

Moss Campion has a dense, pincushion-like foliage that usually forms a low mat. It is covered with tiny pink flowers that become so numerous that they completely cover the foliage. Moss campion is a common plant in meadows, exposed ridges, and on stone-covered ground above timberline

Found In: Alpine locations, meadows, exposed ridges

Best Time to See Them: June to August

Alpine Phlox

Alpine Phlox has small, five-petaled, white to light blue colored flowers are crowded on the top of the short, sticky foliage. Alpine Phlox is a common plant of the alpine tundra and is found in open rock ground and on exposed ridges

Found In: Alpine tundra, rocky locations

Best Time to See Them: May to August

Colorado Columbine

Colorado’s state flower, the Columbine has five, ice-blue to dark0blue sepals which taper back to form spurs. The sepals surround five, white-lobed petals. In rocky or alpine areas, the plants tend to be compact with numerous small flowers. Plants in moist, subalpine meadows grow tall and spindly with few flowers. Columbines are common in alpine tundra and meadows. Please don’t pick the State Flower.

Found In: Mountainous regions, elevations from 6,000-12,000 feet

Best Time to See Them: June to August


Larkspur is a slender, upright flower featuring clusters of flowers down a tall stalk. Flowers can range from pale blue to purple to white. Stems of the flowers have small, sticky “hairs” and leaves grow mainly around the base of the flower.

Found In: Pine forests, alpine meadows

Best Time to See Them: Late spring through July

Queen Anne’s Lace

Queen Anne’s Lace features a slender stem with many branches; each branch is topped with groupings of small flowers. Queen Anne’s Lace can grow to be up to two feet tall.

Found In: Fields, clearings, along roads

Best Time to See Them: May to September

Alpine Paintbrush

The flowers of the Alpine Paintbrush come in vibrant colors ranging from orange, yellow, purple, and pink. The colorful parts of the flower are actually leaves or bracts, while the flowers are generally enclosed.

Found In: Alpine meadows and clearings up to 12,000 feet
Best Time to See Them: June to September

Antelope Horn

Antelope Horn (Asclepias asperula) with up-turned green petals and pink hoods in their center, is a milkweed, found on many trails such as Horse Gulch, Falls Creek, Spurline, and Twinbuttes.

Bigelow’s Tansy-aster

Bigelow’s Tansy-aster (Dieteria bigelovii) is very showy in August and September on Perins Peak and Oxbow.

Rocky Mountain Beeplant

Rocky Mountain Beeplant (Cleomella serrulata) stands out in Overend Mountain Park, Lake Nighthorse, and the Dog Park with its exerted stamens.

Scarlet Globemallow

Scarlet Globemallow (Sphaeralcea coccinea) is covered in star-shaped hairs. Its orange flowers are hard to miss and are on most trails such as Grandview, Smelter, Animas Mountain, and Falls Creek.

Cut-leaf Coneflower

Cut-leaf Coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata) loves to grow near water. You can find it on the Colorado Trail, Perins Peak, and Logchuttes.

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