
SW CO Gives

Southwest Colorado Gives is a collaborative effort spearheaded by the Community Foundation serving Southwest Colorado to inspire generosity in our five county community and increase online giving for local participating nonprofits, like Trails 2000! 

Colorado Gives Day is Tuesday, December 10, and features a $1.5 million Incentive Fund. Every nonprofit receiving a donation on Colorado Gives Day will receive a portion of the fund, increasing the value of every dollar donated. Colorado Gives Day has grown to be the state’s largest one-day online giving event, raising more than $217 million since it began in 2010. 

In the Durango area, trails create community and connect us. They are the training grounds for our youth, amateur and professional athletes, they are the place where we meet our friends and create connections.

Trails define us. This year we built and maintained world-class trails on Forest Service, BLM, County, City and private lands.

Your financial support is essential for our success, and we rely on your help. In this season of giving, we ask that you please contribute to DurangoTrails 2000.

Here is what we accomplished in 2019 with your generous donations:

  • Restoration & Tree Removal– We worked very hard on the Hermosa Creek Trial to repair the damage from the 416 fire.
  • Trail Construction– We built new sections on SkyRaider, Down N Out, Rocky Road, Ned’s Hill, West Cross Creek (Stagecoach), Huck ‘Em Cowgirl, and more
  • Trail Maintenance– We worked hard keeping trails in some of the classic areas great: Overend Mountain Park, Horse Gulch, Carbon Junction
  • Trail Planning and Collaboration– Once again we were fortunate to collaborate with land agency partners at the City of Durango, US Forest Service, BLM, private land owners
  • Colorado Trail Clean-Up: Over 125 downed trees cut and participated in various trail planning projects with area land managers; and worked with volunteer groups on trail work, including: Fort Lewis College, Durango Running Club, and various Scout troops
  • Education– We helped nurture the next generation of outdoor loving trail stewards through our TrailKids ecology education program
  • Community Engagement– We shared timely trail conditions, news, photos, video, and other helpful info on Trails2000.org and through social channels
  • Fundraising– We held our popular Trails 2000 Auction, the organization’s largest annual event
  • Celebration– We celebrated our wonderful volunteers and crew leaders at the annual Trails and Ales and Trailsgiving events.

Support the trails that connect you to the outdoors

Trails are the cornerstone of our community and the gateway to the outdoors.

Help support our work so you can continue to connect to the outdoors by giving to Durango Trails!